Friday, November 7, 2008

So now I'm upset about the fact that Prop 8 passed in california, banning gay marraige. I have a few friends that are directly affected, and I'm deeply saddened. I would like to do something, and I'm not sure what.

I do not understand what this "Protect Marriage" is about. This sounds to me like fear. It is reminiscnet of racism and oppression, and is not the America I know.

So, I've started a search of business' (besides the mormon churc) that have supported the cause. I am also looking for individuals, the company they are linked to, and such. My goal: publish the list, and never support them again.

The first name i found? Charles Post. CEO of Seagate. This is a great find. Seagate creates storage drives and the like for computers. Awesome. I work in a high-tech post production facility. I know tons of people who work in the same industry, as well as the computer industry. I will be talking about this, and requesting them to share in the boycott.

Too bad Charles Pope will never know what it's like to not visit his spouse in the hospital because he's not legally married to her. Or if he loses custody to his child when his spouse dies because he has no rights.

Good news: the mormon church may lose their tax exempt status because they donated so much money to the Prop 8 cause. Fantastic. Maybe religion will stay where it belongs: out of politics.


One of the biggest local financial contributions in support of Proposition 8 came from Santa Cruz residents Charles and Gloria Pope.

The Seagate executive and his wife gave $50,000 last month to a group in support of the measure.

"I have no doubt that I'm part of the minority in Santa Cruz County, but that doesn't bother me a lot," Charles Pope said